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Connecticut Alimony Attorney

Westport Attorneys Representing People in Divorce Actions

In many households, one spouse will earn a substantial portion of the couple's income while the other spouse will contribute to the marriage in other ways. When a marriage in which the parties earn disparate wages end, the lesser earning party may face significant financial difficulties. Thus, the law allows the courts to order people to provide financial support or alimony to their former spouses. If your marriage is ending, it could have a dramatic impact on your finances, and you should speak to an attorney regarding your options. Westport spousal support attorney, Kevin L. Hoffkins, is a capable spousal support lawyer who is adept at helping people navigate the complexities of ending their marriages, and if you hire him, he will fight to help you protect your rights. He regularly represents people in family law cases in Westport and other cities in Fairfield and New Haven Counties.

Alimony Under Connecticut Law

In Connecticut, the financial support one spouse pays to another following a divorce is referred to as alimony. While there is no absolute right to alimony under Connecticut law, either party can request alimony in a divorce action. Alimony must be requested before the divorce is final, however, and if it is not, the parties waive the right to seek it in the future. Alimony can be awarded at two different stages in a divorce action. The first stage would be a pendente lite award of alimony, and the other is an award at the final divorce trial.

Alimony pendente may be granted to provide financial support to one spouse while the divorce and ultimate distribution of assets are pending. Essentially, it provides them with the means to pursue or defend a divorce action.

The second stage for an award of alimony would be in the final divorce decree. The philosophy behind alimony in the final stage is known as rehabilitative alimony.

Rehabilitative alimony, as the name suggests, may be granted to help a person gain the capacity to become financially self-sufficient by acquiring education, work experience, or training or re-developing prior credentials or skills. It is not limited to such purposes, however, and can be granted for other reasons.

The Court has discretion whether or not to award alimony at either stage, and it is not automatic. You need a skilled spousal support lawyer who can help you prove the elements necessary to convince a Court that spousal support is necessary. Speak to Westport Attorney Kevin L. Hoffkins, an skilled spousal support attorney, to seek assistance you to get spousal support.

Factors Weighed in Evaluating Whether to Grant Alimony

Connecticut courts will assess several elements in evaluating whether to grant alimony and, if so, which type of alimony is appropriate and for what duration. Primary factors they will weigh include the length of the marriage and the reason for the divorce. They will also consider the amount and sources of income of the parties, and their earning capacities, education, and vocational skills. Additionally, they will assess their emotional and physical health, their needs, and if they have minor children, whether it is feasible or desirable for the parent to work. Finally, the courts can consider the parties' stations in life and how marital property will ultimately be divided via equitable distribution. In cases in which a court grants permanent alimony, it must set forth the basis for doing so in its order.

Meet With a Trusted Connecticut Family Law Attorney

The end of a marriage can present both emotional and economic challenges. If you or your spouse are contemplating filing for divorce, it is important to understand how the decision may affect you financially, and you should speak to Westport attorney. Kevin L. Hoffkins, a skilled spousal support attorney who possesses the skills and resources needed to help you seek a fair and efficient resolution, and if you hire him, he will work tirelessly on your case. Westport spousal support attorney Kevin L. Hoffkins frequently assists people in family law matters in Westport, Norwalk, and cities in Fairfield and New Haven Counties. You can reach him via our online form or at to schedule a confidential and free conference.

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Alimony in Connecticut

Connecticut Courts have the authority to award alimony to one of the parties to a divorce. However, one should not assume that alimony is automatic, or that any specific amount of alimony is standard. The courts will consider each case on its own merits while taking numerous factors into consideration.

Alimony in Connecticut is governed by statute which sets out specific criteria that the court may use in determining alimony. The court must take all of these criteria into consideration when making its decision on the amount of alimony and the period that the alimony will run. Also, alimony could be ordered in a lump sum rather than in periodic payments.

Alimony can be ordered at two different times within a court case. First, the court can make an order of temporary alimony which will last only while the case is pending before final judgment. The purpose of temporary alimony is to insure that both parties have adequate support while a case is pending, for cases can take up to a year or more to go to judgment. Second, the Court can make an order of alimony in the final judgment. A court can modify an order of temporary alimony upon a proper motion.

Connecticut Courts even have the authority to order a party who is not a resident of Connecticut to pay alimony to their spouse, provided the court has proper jurisdiction.

Obviously, obtaining the proper amount of alimony is not an easy matter. You need an attorney who understands the intricacies of the court system, the judges and the law. Attorney Kevin L. Hoffkins has experience obtaining alimony for his clients throughout his twenty years of practice. He will assist you in placing a fair value for alimony on your case based on his experience. He will also advise on the tax laws that affect your alimony payments.