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Fairfield Car Accident Attorney

Fairfield has its share of automobile collisions that result in injuries. In 2019 there were two thousand and five hundred and ninety seven automobile collisions reported to the Fairfield Police Department. In 2018 there were Two thousand and six hundred and twenty five. In 2019, Fairfield Police issued seven hundred and fourteen summons’ for distracted driving. Fairfield Car Accident lawyer, Kevin L. Hoffkins believes that distracted driving is one the largest causes of automobile collisions.

The Fairfield Police department conducts an extensive distracted driving program at the town’s two main high schools to high school juniors who are about to get their driver licenses. The program includes bringing in automobiles that have been in a significant collisions, as well as showing the students films of what can happen to individuals in an auto collision.

The town’s main streets are places where people get into auto collisions. The Post Road runs the length of the town and sees its share of auto collisions. Also, you will see auto collisions on Black Rock Turnpike, Stratfield Road, and Easton Turnpike.

Fairfield car accident lawyer, Kevin L. Hoffkins, has obtained substantial settlements for clients from Fairfield. One such case involved a woman who was injured when her car was struck from behind cause her to be ejected from her seat even though she was wearing a seatbelt. She then struck her head on the floor of the vehicle causing a mild traumatic brain injury. This mild traumatic brain injury caused the client to have severe ongoing headaches that occurred daily. The person developed a sensitivity to light and sound which made simple things impossible like going to movies or even for a walk on a sunny day.

To get a good and fair settlement or judgment for your case you need a good Car Accident Attorney from Fairfield like Kevin L. Hoffkins. People from Fairfield who have an injury in an auto collision will most likely have their case heard in the Superior Court for the Judicial District of Fairfield which is located in Bridgeport, Connecticut. The jurisdiction of a particular court in Connecticut is not just based on where the auto collision happened but on where the parties live. If a person who lives in another county were to get into an auto collision in Fairfield, they would have the right to file the case where they live instead of in Fairfield.

Attorney Kevin L. Hoffkins also represents people who have been injured when they trip and fall in a manner that causes injury. Any time a person falls on a dangerous condition that exists on another person property or at a commercial establishment there is a potential for liability. Fairfield has several large commercial establishments such as a Home Depot, BJ’s, Whole Foods, two Stop & Shops and numerous restaurants. These establishments are not liable just because a person falls and hurts themselves of their property. A person would have to show that the condition that caused the injury was unreasonably dangerous. Attorney Kevin L. Hoffkins has had substantial success showing that such conditions on commercial properties were unreasonably dangerous resulting in significant settlements.

Fairfield is a suburban town located on the shore of Long Island Sound in Fairfield County, Connecticut. The town has a population of 59, 404 people, and is served by Interstate 95, the Merritt Parkway and Metro North Commuter Railroad. Fairfield includes the sections of Fairfield Center, Greenfield Hill, Sasco, Stratfield, Southport and Tunxis Hill. Employers in Fairfield include R.C. Bigelow, Co. and Sturm, Ruger & Co. The town has several nice parks, such as Owen Fish, Lake Mohegan, Penfield Beach, Jennings Beach and Sasco Beach. Also, the Audubon Society owns an extensive nature preserve that is available to the public for nature hikes.